Saint Pierre tomato: height, taste & growing the beefsteak tomato
The ‘Saint Pierre’ tomato variety is known for its large, juicy fruits. Below, we will show you what makes the ‘Saint Pierre’ tomato so special and what to consider when planting and caring for it.
The large, red fruits of the ‘Saint Pierre’ variety are bound to catch the eye even from afar. Here is an introduction with everything you need to know about this heirloom tomato variety.
‘Saint Pierre’: profile
Fruit | Beefsteak tomato; red |
Flavour | Mild, juicy, sweet and with a hint of acidity |
Ripening time | Mid-season |
Growth | Indeterminate, up to 2m in height |
Location | Greenhouse, outdoor bed |
Origin and history of the ‘St. Pierre’ tomato
Though the exact origin of the ‘St. Pierre’ tomato is a bit of a mystery, we do know that this heritage variety originated in France, where it has been a delicacy for quite some time. The ‘Saint Pierre’ tomato plant is still popular with hobby gardeners today, as it is considered hardy and high-yielding.
‘St. Pierre’ tomato: taste and other characteristics
‘Saint Pierre’ tomatoes weigh in around 100 grams and belong to the beefsteak tomato family. Around the end of July, the plump fruits begin to ripen in small clusters. The tomato plant itself is very robust against diseases and can reach up to 150 to 200 centimeters in height. ‘Saint Pierre’ tomatoes are rather mild with a slight sweetness to them, but very juicy. It is an heirloom variety, meaning that you can save ‘Saint Pierre’ tomato seeds to grow new plants next season.
Growing and caring for ‘Saint Pierre’ tomatoes
Being a hardy tomato plant, ‘Saint Pierre’ is well suited for both greenhouse and outdoor cultivation. You can plant outdoors from mid-May onwards, after the threat of frost has passed. Though ‘St. Pierre’ tomato plants do well in cooler climates, we still recommend hardening them off before fully relocating outside. To harden off your tomato plants, simply acclimatise them gradually to outdoor conditions in a cold frame or sheltered spot outdoors for 7 to 14 days.
To give your tomato plants the best start to the flowering season, we recommend using a specially adapted tomato soil, such as our Plantura Organic Tomato & Vegetable Compost. When planting, add the compost directly into a deep planting hole before placing the ‘Saint Pierre’ on top. Then fill in the hole and water the plant thoroughly.
- Perfect for tomatoes & other vegetables such as chillies, courgettes & more
- For strong & healthy plant growth as well as an abundant vegetable harvest
- Peat-free & organic soil: CO2-saving composition
Grow beefsteak tomatoes such as ‘Saint Pierre’ using the cordon method, in other words, break off all side shoots. This way, only the strong main shoot will bear the load of the heavy fruit. For plants outside, make sure to support them well and keep upright with a trellis or tomato cage. This helps the plants to dry out quickly after rainy weather, which will better protect the leaves and fruits from fungal diseases. Watering and mulching tomatoes well is also important for overall plant health.
Fertilise the tomato plant when it begins to fruit, as the nutrients in the soil will soon run out. Using a slow-release fertiliser, such as our Plantura Tomato Food, will gradually provide your tomato plant with nutrients for the long term.
- Perfect for tomatoes, chillies, courgettes, cucumber & more
- For healthy plants & an abundant tomato harvest
- Long-lasting fertiliser that is free from animal products - child & pet friendly
Harvest and uses
‘Saint Pierre’ tomatoes can be sliced fresh and added to burgers or snacks and the larger ones are particularly delicious cooked in soups and sauces. ‘Saint Pierre’ tomatoes do not become too soft and retain their shape even when cooked, which makes them perfect for stuffing and grilling or baking in the oven.
Fancy adding a splash of colour to your plate? Then read our article on yellow tomatoes to discover the tastiest golden tomato varieties.