Growing ivy indoors: caring for potted ivy houseplants


For me plants are some of the most exciting living beings, even though they live in slow motion. They have fascinating abilities and just so much potential! That's why I studied organic farming. However, since plants are rather thin on the ground in my city, I often spend time hiking in the nearby mountains at the weekend. In the future I would love to run a farm myself.

Favourite fruit: strawberries and gooseberries
Favourite vegetable: courgettes

Although commonly associated with the outside of buildings, ivy also feels at home indoors. Learn more about growing and caring for ivy as an indoor plant here.

potted ivy growing indoors
Ivy not only looks beautiful in the garden, but can also be used as lovely decoration in your home [Photo: Cozy Home/]

Ivy (Hedera helix) tends to conjure up images of overgrown ancient walls or romantic seating areas in the countryside, but the plant also has a lot to offer indoors too. Whether on staircases or along hallways, there are countless possibilities for setting the scene with ivy. Let your imagination run wild to integrate the evergreen plant into your home.

Ivy is typically a garden plant. If you pay close attention, you will find it everywhere: on spooky ruins, in sparse deciduous forests or in your neighbour’s garden. But why not also have an ivy plant in your bathroom? Or on a trellis framing your bed? Ivy is a beautiful houseplant that can be used in many ways. It is often kept as a hanging plant, but it has potential as a climber as well. With the help of trellises or other climbing aids, you can plant walls of green to not only improve the indoor climate but also purify the air.

Indoor ivy varieties

There are a number of indoor ivy variations to choose from. The Algerian ivy (Hedera algeriensis), for example, sets pretty accents with its beautifully patterned leaves in shades of white and green. Variegated varieties, such as Hedera helix ‘Golden Kolibri’ or Hedera helix ‘Eva’, are also very attractive. Keep in mind, varieties with a large proportion of white on the leaves, like those just mentioned, prefer to be in a brighter environment. Common ivy (Hedera helix), with its dark green leaves, may be a better choice for those who prefer a more classic look – it also fares well in darker corners.

The ideal location for ivy indoors

Ivy is undemanding as an indoor plant. As far as the location is concerned, it does not need much light, and direct sunlight should be avoided. The plant prefers places with high humidity. If the air is too dry, ivy can quickly fall victim to spider mites. Perhaps you still have a free spot in the bathroom? If dry air cannot be helped, you can spray the plants regularly with a little lime-free water to help them out.

Planting ivy indoors

Once you have found a suitable place and the ivy variety of your choice, you can start potting. It is best to use an organic universal soil, such as our peat-free Plantura Organic All Purpose Compost, for the substrate. Make sure the pot is large enough and has a drainage hole for excess water. For indoor hanging ivy, you can also use a planter. You will be able to see when the ivy has outgrown its pot by the roots peeking out at the bottom, searching for new terrain. Choose a pot with a few centimetres more diameter and replant the ivy. The best time to do this is in spring, when the plant is starting a new cycle. As a rule, repotting is necessary every one to two years. You can find out more about planting ivy here.

Organic All Purpose Compost, 40L
Organic All Purpose Compost, 40L
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  • Perfect for all your house, garden & balcony plants
  • For strong & healthy plants as well as an active soil life
  • Peat-free & organic soil: CO2-saving composition

Summary: Planting ivy as an indoor plant

  • There is a wide range of ivy species and varieties for growing indoors
  • Plants with light-coloured leaves should be planted in a bright location; dark-leaved plants can cope with less light
  • Choose a location with high humidity
  • Use a universal potting soil, such as Plantura Organic All Purpose Compost
  • Use a pot with a drainage hole
  • Repot the plant in spring
ivy trailing a room divider
Get creative and integrate ivy into the design of your home [Photo:]

Caring for ivy indoors

As an indoor plant, ivy must be watered regularly. That said, always allow the surface of the soil to dry out. A bit of fertiliser now and then can also be very helpful to stimulate growth. In spring, apply a long-lasting fertiliser, such as our Plantura All Purpose Plant Food. When winter comes, ivy also needs a break. From about November to February, water your ivy more sparingly, and put a hold on fertilising it. Ivy also likes to be kept a little cooler in winter as well. Place it in a bright stairwell or similar location that remains cool – preferably no warmer than 15 °C.

All Purpose Plant Food, 1.5kg
All Purpose Plant Food, 1.5kg
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  • Perfect for a variety of plants in the garden & on the balcony
  • Promotes healthy plant growth & an active soil life
  • Long-lasting fertiliser that is free from animal products - child & pet friendly