When to feed lawns?
When it comes to lawn fertilisation, timing is crucial. This is our guide to when and how often to fertilise your lawn.

Every year in spring or autumn, lawn owners suddenly realize their lawn probably needs to be fertilised. And they are right: a lawn requires fertilisation in order to retain its health, vibrancy and density. Most lawn owners are aware of that. But when is the right time to feed the lawn?
Not only the choice of the right fertiliser, but also the timing is decisive in lawn care. Using nitrogen fertilisation at the wrong time can promote frost damage or fungal diseases. Fertilising too late in autumn, will prevent the grasses from gaining enough potassium for hardiness. In the following we explain when and how often a lawn should be fertilised to keep it healthy.
When and how often to fertilise the lawn per year?
The answer depends on the type of soil and fertiliser used. In general, a lawn should be fertilised two to three times a year. The first fertilisation in spring stimulates the shoots, the second one in early summer prepares the lawn for the strains of summer and the third fertilisation in autumn will help the lawn through the cold season. Organic fertilisation is always carried out a month earlier than mineral or organic-mineral fertilisation.
Note: The earliest fertilisation in spring is not necessary with heavy soils as grasses will not require any initial help to bud.
Fertilising the lawn in autumn
The last lawn fertilisation of the year takes place between June and October. If you want to use a mineral or organic-mineral slow-release fertiliser for autumn lawn fertilisation, make sure the fertilisation process ends before October to prevent it from going into the groundwater and causing frost damage to the lawn.
If you use a natural fertiliser such as Plantura Autumn Lawn Feed, you don’t have to worry about the timing as much. Leftover minerals will not release while it is cold but stay put until temperatures rise in spring. However, it is still advisable to apply natural fertilisers not too late, as this will allow the lawn to absorb potassium, which increases cell walls’ stability and frost resistance.
Summary: Fertilising the lawn in autumn
- Latest lawn fertilisation is possible from June to October.
- Slow-release fertilisers are the only ones you can actually apply until October. Mineral fertilisers can cause lawn damage if applied too late.
- Our Plantura Autumn Lawn Feed is higher in potassium to promote frost resistance.

- Perfect for fertilising lawns from July to October
- Promotes a winter-hardy lawn & fast regeneration in spring
- Long-lasting fertiliser that is free from animal products - child & pet friendly
Fertilising the lawn in spring
On heavy, clay soils, two doses of fertiliser are enough, the first one being applied in May or June. With organic fertilisers you can spread them as early as April or May. Fertilisation on light, sandy soils, on the other hand are carried out in March or April, provided that the weather is favourable. Organic fertilisers are applied in February or March. At this time, it is also possible to fertilise more thoroughly and use a larger amount of organic fertiliser. That way, you can fertilise only twice a year, as opposed to three times.
Fertilise medium-heavy, loamy-sandy or loess (silty) soils for the first time in May to June. We recommend using natural fertilisers to avoid damage of lawn, soil or environment even if you don’t catch the right moment for fertilising. You can also track the cycle of your lawn from sprouting in spring to decline of growth in autumn, and adjust your fertilisation routine accordingly the following year. It is best to fertilise a month before the lawn requires nutrients. Plant-based lawn fertiliser such Plantura Lawn Feed are most suitable.

- Perfect for a healthy & lush green lawn without moss
- Supports your lawn with all the nutrients it needs in spring & summer
- Long-lasting fertiliser that is free from animal products - child & pet friendly
Summary: Fertilising the lawn in spring
- On light soils, first fertilisation is carried out in March/April, on heavy soils in May/June. Organic fertilisation always takes place one month earlier.
- On medium-heavy soils we strongly recommend the use of natural fertilisers or precise observation of sprouting and growth – to minimise risk of lawn damage or it washing out.
- When fertilising with natural products you can start early on; make sure to use plenty in order to feed the lawn throughout all of summer.