Mind-your-own-business plant: cultivation, care & the most beautiful varieties
Sprawling over the edges of a pot, the mind-your-own-business plant, sometimes called paddy’s wig, looks strangely like a boisterous head of curls. In garden beds, it also makes a great ground cover.

Soleirolia soleirolii, more commonly known as the mind-your-own-business plant, can be kept both as a houseplant and in the garden. With its slender shoots and delicate, shiny leaves, it spreads out over the ground, forming a beautiful green blanket of foliage. Here we will show you how to plant and how to care for the mind-your-own-business plant.
Mind-your-own-business plant: characteristics and origin
The mind-your-own-business plant is a very popular houseplant. Its overhanging shoots look like hair growing out of the pot, giving it a charming appearance. Native to the islands of Corsica, Sardinia and Elba, this herbaceous perennial plant is the only species in the Soleirolia genus, which belongs to the nettle family (Urticaceae). But don’t worry – the mind-your-own-business plant does not sting!
Its long, thin shoots can grow up to 50 centimetres in length, with small, shiny foliage arranged alternately along the shoot. The plants come in different shapes but usually have a rounded appearance. Since new roots are able to form at each shoot node, the mind-your-own business plant spreads out and covers the ground like a carpet when planted outdoors. Overall, it can reach a maximum height of 15 centimetres.

In nature, the Soleirolia soleirolii‘s flowers are very inconspicuous and measure only about 1 millimetre, making them easy to miss. But when does the mind-your-own-business plant bloom? Kept indoors, the plant flowers between April and June. However, flowering has also been observed outdoors in our part of the world.
The most beautiful mind-your-own-business plant varieties
In addition to the classic, shiny green variety, there are other mind-your-own-business plant varieties that come with an array of distinctly coloured leaves:
- Soleirolia soleirolii ‘Aurea‘: The small leaves of this variety are golden-yellow.
- Soleirolia soleirolii ‘Variegata‘: The mind-your-own-business plant ‘Variegata’ develops beautiful variegated leaves in green and white.
- Soleirolia soleirolii ‘Argentea‘: The ‘Argentea’ type has a bright, slightly silvery foliage.
- Soleirolia soleirolii ‘Aladatase‘: This variety has a captivating, bright-green foliage colour.

Planting mind-your-own-business plants: where and how
The mind-your-own-business plant can grow indoors as well as in garden beds outdoors. Although the plant is accustomed to warm temperatures in its native habitat, it can even survive winters in our latitudes.
Soleirolia soleirolii as a houseplant
As a houseplant, place the mind-your-own-business plant in a partially shaded spot and not exposed directly to the midday sun. It does best with a certain amount of humidity and a room temperature between 18 and 24 °C. Ideally, use a high-quality potting soil for houseplants, such as our Plantura Organic All Purpose Compost. The stable structure of this soil stores water for longer, while at the same time allowing the roots to breathe. When potting up, form a small mound of soil and then place the plant on top. This way, you can create a lovely dome shape.
Tip: The mind-your-own-business plant also likes high humidity. However, you should not mist or spray the plant with water. Instead, place a bowl of water on your radiator near the plant during the winter to help increase the air humidity.

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Soleirolia soleirolii as an outdoor plant
In areas with milder winters, the mind-your-own-business plant is used as a ground cover alternative to grass or as a decorative feature on walls. Just like plants indoors, it does best in partial shade outside. The mind-your-own-business plant feels most at home in loose, nutrient-rich garden soil. To ensure the best supply of nutrients, a slow-release fertiliser, such as our Plantura All Purpose Plant Food, can be added to poor soil. Not only is our fertiliser safe for pets and garden wildlife, but its plant-based formula also promotes an active soil life. The plant can tolerate frosty temperatures of down to – 10 °C for a short period of time. The shoots will usually freeze and grow back in the spring.
To plant your Soleirolia, dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball, place the plant in and cover with soil. Then lightly press down around the plant. Plant four to five individual plants per square metre to quickly achieve a dense growth. If you haven’t fertilised, fill the hole with Plantura Organic All Purpose Compost rather than garden soil – this gives the plants a good boost of nutrients to kick start their growth. Finally, water the plants well.

Soleirolia plant care
To care for your mind-your-own-business plant, you will want to provide it with plenty of water and nutrients, especially during the growing season. Prune as needed or when the leaves turn brown due to its dense growth.
Watering, pruning and fertilising
Watering is key to Soleirolia soleirolii plant care. Since the plant requires quite a lot of water, you should regularly water the mind-your-own-business plant, watering from the bottom of the planter. The plant will take up the moisture it needs from there. After about 15 minutes, you can pour off the excess water. For plants outdoors, water directly into the soil rather than onto the foliage. Naturally, the drier and hotter the weather, the more often you will need to water. Once the root ball has dried out, even if only for a short time, it will be difficult for the mind-your-own-business plant to recover. However, since waterlogging is also not tolerated and will result in brown leaves, regular but moderate watering is essential.

Extra nutrients are only necessary in the growing season from spring to autumn. During this time, fertilise the mind-your-own-business plant roughly every four weeks with a nitrogen-rich liquid fertiliser, such as our Plantura Liquid Flower Food. This contains a greater proportion of nitrogen than potassium, which supports the development of rich green foliage.
If you find that your paddy’s wig plant’s hairstyle is getting out of hand, you can always reach for your garden shears and give it a trim. However, pruning is best tolerated in spring or summer, and if done in spring, the shoot cuttings are great for Soleirolia soleirolii propagation.
Spring is also the best time for repotting. If the old pot is fully rooted or if the plant is growing too densely, move it to a larger container with fresh soil. Adding a little extra soil to the pot, create a slight mound onto which you will place the plant. This way, you will create an attractive dome shape. For a mind-your-own-business plant lawn outdoors, this step is not necessary as its growth forms a flat ground cover.

Mind-your-own-business plant drying out or turning brown
Brown leaves on plants are often the result of plant care mistakes. However, there are other factors that can cause leaf discolouration. For example, the mind-your-own-business plant’s dense growth can lead to discoloured leaves.
- Growth: Since the mind-your-own-business plant grows very densely and forms many leaves, it is normal that some leaves turn brown at the base of potted plants. If this is the case, prune the plant – either trim the brown-leaved shoots in question or prune the entire plant. It will then grow new green shoots.
- Sunlight: Too much sunlight can cause leaf damage and brown leaves. Place the mind-your-own-business plant in partial shade with indirect sunlight.
- Drought: Watering the plant regularly is essential to prevent it from drying out. It is best to water into the tray or saucer under the plant and wait about 15 minutes until it has absorbed the moisture it needs.
- Moisture: Waterlogging can also cause problems, so make sure to remove any excess water from the pot. If the plant has been wet for too long, repot it and remove any excess water going forward.

Summary: Soleirolia plant care
- Water regularly from the bottom up
- Remove excess water after 15 minutes
- Fertilise with a nitrogen-rich liquid fertiliser every 4 weeks between spring and autumn
- Prune if necessary
- Keep in a cool and bright location in the winter months
Soleirolia soleirolii care in winter
Prune your outdoor mind-your-own-business plant in autumn and provide a protective layer of mulch or straw to keep it safe in low temperatures.
Soleirolia soleirolii houseplants are best kept in a bright and cool place at about 12 to 18 °C, with less watering and no fertilising. Nevertheless, make sure the root ball is always moist.

Is the mind-your-own-business plant winter hardy? The mind-your-own-business plant is winter-hardy under certain conditions. As it is native to areas with milder winters, you will be on the safe side if you keep the Soleirolia soleirolii indoors for the winter. However, mind-your-own-business plants have been known to survive severe winters without damage.
Propagating mind-your-own-business plants
Shoot cuttings – the parts of the plant left over from pruning – can be used to propagate Soleirolia soleirolii. Plant the cuttings straight into all-purpose compost and make sure to keep the soil evenly moist. The shoots should soon take root, even at room temperature. Alternatively, when repotting in the spring, carefully divide the plant and place each plant in its own container.

Is Soleirolia soleirolii poisonous?
Whether you have a cat or a dog, the mind-your-own-business plant is not toxic – so there is no need to worry about your pets.