Jade plant care: expert tips on feeding, pruning, etc.


Having studied organic farming, I enjoy trying out new cultivation methods and other gardening experiments with friends in our community garden. I care deeply about exploring sustainable and mindful approaches to working with nature. This is my biggest passion, but I am also a real ornamental plant enthusiast!

Favourite fruit: strawberry, mango, guava
Favourite vegetables: artichoke, tomato, rocket

In order to enjoy your money plant for a long time, it needs proper care. Let us show you what is important when it comes to jade plant care – fertilising, pruning and more.

The jade plant
Even though the money tree is considered low-maintenance, you should know how to water and fertilise it properly [Photo: Andrey_Nikitin/ Shutterstock.com]

You cannot do much wrong when caring for the jade plant (Crassula ovata). Nevertheless, you should know what’s important in the cultivation of the plant, which is usually kept as a houseplant. To help your tree thrive, this article will tell you everything you need to know about proper watering, pruning and fertilising of this popular houseplant.

The thick, fleshy leaves of the money plant already reveal its family affiliation: it comes from the Crassula genus and thus from the Crassulaceae family. Originally, this plant comes from South Africa and is therefore accustomed to maritime, warm weather. In terms of care, the jade plant is considered to be medium; so it is not completely unbreakable, but it is better to know about proper care. The plant will usually forgive you for a small error here or there. Like most succulents, which include Crassula ovata , it is generally unsensitive to the wrong temperature and drought. The tree is also rarely affected by diseases and pests.

Jade plant care: watering

As a succulent, the jade plant is accustomed to longer dry periods and can therefore store water in its thick leaves. This already tells us a lot about correct watering of the plant. Crassula ovata will forgive you more for a lack of water rather than too much moisture. Therefore, you should only give it small amounts of water during the summer growing season. Water only when the top layer of the substrate has dried. If the plant is overwatered, this can lead to root rot. The plant will no longer absorb oxygen and the roots will rot. Waterlogging should be avoided at all costs. Therefore, remove any excess water that collects in the dish. During its dormant period in winter, from November to February, the money tree requires even less water. Make sure that the root ball does not completely dry out but water only sporadically during this time. Rainwater is ideal for watering the money plant. If this is not available, tap water for watering should not be too calcareous.

Summary: Watering jade plants

  • Water moderately during the main growing season
  • Allow top substrate layer to dry off
  • Keep substrate only slightly moist, do not make wet
  • Remove excess water from drainage dish
  • Water sporadically from November to February
  • Use rainwater or tap water with low calcium content

Pruning jade plants

Regular pruning is not necessary for the money plant. Nevertheless, there are many reasons why it may still be time to reach for the shears and trim your tree. Pruning is suitable, for example, if the plant is not growing evenly and needs to be cut into shape. Compact and vigourous growth can also be achieved with pruning. Of course, you should also reach for the shears if the tree is infested with pests. The best time to prune the tree is in spring, before the tree sprouts new shoots, or immediately after flowering.

Jade plant leaves
With the right pruning, the money tree grows dense and bushy [Photo: svf74/ Shutterstock.com]

Summary: Pruning a money plant summary

  • Cut off all shoots that grow downward or push upwards
  • For a thicker trunk, remove all lower shoots and leaves
  • Heavy pruning stimulates the formation of new shoots
  • Do not leave stubs

You can learn everything you need to know about pruning jade plants in our article on pruning.

Feeding jade plants

Although the money tree does not have particularly high nutrient requirements, it should still not be completely neglected when it comes to feeding. Fertilisation is appropriate at most every four weeks, especially for fast-growing succulents such as the jade plant – but only in the main growth phase. For this purpose, a special fertiliser for succulents and cacti is suitable, because it has a higher concentration of potassium. This in turn plays a crucial role in water storage. If you want to save yourself some work, we can recommend a fertiliser with long-term effects – such as our Plantura All Purpose Plant Food. With this longer-acting fertiliser, one around of fertilisation in the spring is sufficient to provide the plant with optimal nutrients throughout the year.

All Purpose Plant Food, 1.5kg
All Purpose Plant Food, 1.5kg
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  • Perfect for a variety of plants in the garden & on the balcony
  • Promotes healthy plant growth & an active soil life
  • Long-lasting fertiliser that is free from animal products - child & pet friendly

In the dormant period from November to February, the tree does not require fertiliser at all. In any case, you should avoid too much fertiliser, because it will do more harm than good to the jade plant. Burns on the roots, for example, are a result of too much fertiliser.

Summary: Fertilising jade plants

  • Fertilise only moderately
  • Once in the spring, apply a fertiliser with long-term effects
  • Fertilise only in the main growing season
  • Stop fertilising altogether between November and February
Jade plant in a pot
Money trees store water in their thick leaves, for which they need potassium in particular [Photo: AquaKttvn/ Shutterstock.com]

Is your jade plant dropping leaves?

Considering these plants’ most distinctive feature is their round fleshy leaves, it is a cause for concern if your money plant’s leaves start falling off. Leaf loss usually occurs if the plant is not getting enough light, has overly moist soil, is exposed to high temperatures in winter or is infested with pests. If you find the cause of dwindling leaves quickly and correct the problem, you can usually prevent it from worsening and save your plant.

Small jade plant in a pot
The money plant needs a bright location, otherwise it may lose leaves [Photo: Barb Elkin/ Shutterstock.com]

Quick tips for preventing leaf loss:

  • Keep your jade plant in an optimal location
  • Ensure the soil is well-drained and repot if necessary
  • Make sure your jade plant is getting plenty of light
  • Overwinter your plant somewhere below 11 °C in winter
  • Check your jade plant for pests regularly
  • Practice pest control with beneficial insects or other natural means

There is much more worth knowing about the money plant than tips on care alone. Read more about this exciting plant in our dedicated article on the jade plant.