Flowering indoor plants: the best flowering plants for your home


I am a student of agricultural sciences and a real country kid. At home, I love tending my small vegetable garden and spending time out in nature. When not outdoors, I love to write. Beyond gardening and writing, however, I am particularly passionate about wildlife.

Favourite fruit: currants and raspberries
Favourite vegetables: salsify, savoy cabbage and potatoes

No more boring green fronds and ferns. We show that indoor plants can also bloom just as great as the plants outside. Find the most beautiful flowering indoor plants here.

An array of flowering indoor plants in pots
Flowering houseplants beautify the home [Photo: FabrikaSimf/ Shutterstock.com]

Plants in the apartment are something great: they make any room more cosy, look beautiful and also improve the indoor climate. However, the same green leafy decorative plants quickly look boring and become more of an unloved dust catcher than a decorative eye-catcher. Fortunately, there are also great flowering plants for the apartment. With their bright colours, these quickly moult to the stars among the houseplants and spice up the overall picture again. Which ten flowering indoor plants you should not miss, learn here.

Goodbye boring greenery, hello bright blooms – with these ten flowering indoor plants are guaranteed to transform your home into a flower paradise.

1. Cyclamen

Small but mighty: the cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) is not one of the largest flowering houseplants, but easily makes up for this disadvantage with its interestingly shaped flowers. For a long time, the classic was considered old-fashioned, but recently the cyclamen is turning into an absolute fashion plant. With its bright flowers and variety of species, the plant holds countless possibilities for decoration. It works just as well as a solitary on the coffee table as in combination with other plants on the windowsill. In addition, cyclamen is one of the few shade-loving houseplants, which makes it perfect for making dark rooms shine.

Purple flowers of the cyclamen houseplant
Cyclamen are anything but stale [Photo: Max Zalevsky/ Shutterstock.com]

2. Anthurium

Actually, the flowers of the anthurium (Anthurium andreanum) are anything but spectacular. The yellow flower bulbs, which the plant shows all year around, are actually rather inconspicuous. Instead, the houseplant scores with its distinctive red or white bracts, which many people mistakenly think are flowers. These captivate with their bright colourfulness and leathery appearance. In addition, the anthurium is also very robust and is one of the low-maintenance houseplants.

Red bracts of the flamingo flower
The actual inflorescence of the flamingo flower is inconspicuous – but the bracts make an impression [Photo: Kriang kan/ Shutterstock.com]

3. Peace lily

The peace lily (Spathiphyllum) also impresses with its imposing white bracts, which are often mistaken for flowers. However, it is this contrast between the white bracts and the green foliage of the plant that makes this houseplant one of the most stylish plants around. In addition, the peace lily is a real boon for stuffy indoor climates: the decorative roommate belongs to the air-purifying plants and is therefore particularly suitable if you want to fight bad indoor air.

White bracts of the peace lily
The peace lily is not only beautiful to look at, but also useful [Photo: Andrejs Marcenko/ Shutterstock.com]

4. Flaming Katy

Friendly and colourful – these are probably the two words that best describe the flaming Katy (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana). From pure white to bright yellow to rich purple, almost every colour variation can be found in the enormous variety of the flaming Katy. At the same time, the houseplant is tireless and bears a variety of small flowers throughout the year. And the flaming Katy is not a diva: undemanding and easy to care for, the houseplant is suitable even for beginners.

Red blossoms of the flaming katy plant
The flaming katy blooms tirelessly [Photo: Real Moment/ Shutterstock.com]

5. Hibiscus

Who does not want a relaxed vacation atmosphere in your own home? The hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) will enrich any room with its exciting South Seas flair. The houseplant, which is Hawaii’s national flower, draws all eyes with its radiant large flowers and is always the focal point of any room. Although hibiscus is a little more demanding in terms of care and requires a lot of water and nutrients, it rewards us with its magnificent flowers from April to October.

Pink blossoms of the tropical hibiscus plant
The tropical hibiscus brings South Seas flair into every home [Photo: Ole Schoener/ Shutterstock.com]

6. Amaryllis

Flowers are simply the most beautiful thing in any plant – how fortunate that the amaryllis (Hippeastrum) is not stingy with its flowering. In fact, the plant, also known as the knight star, shines with a spectacular single flower, which is hard to beat in size. With its brilliant white, delicate pink or intense red, the amaryllis quickly becomes a fascinating eye-catcher. A particularly beautiful feature of it: the amaryllis blooms from October to March, that is, at a time when the garden usually looks rather dull, and thus provides a real feast for the eyes even in winter. More about care of the amaryllis can be found here.

White blossoms and red blossoms of the amaryllis
The imposing individual flowers of the amaryllis can be marvelled at, especially in winter [Photo: Alina Kuptsova/ Shutterstock.com]

7. Azalea

The rhododendron (Rhododendron) is especially popular with gardeners for its great flowers, but unfortunately this garden plant is not suitable for growing indoors. Its relative the azalea (Rhododendron simsii) is a great houseplant though. Even when grown indoors, this Asian beauty provides an impressive display of colour and treats us to its beautiful flowers from September to April. Not only in appearance, but also in care azaleas resemble rhododendrons – so the beautiful houseplant always requires an acidic planting substrate and should be watered mainly with lime-free water.

Pink blossoms of the rhododendron plant
The rhododendron captivates with its great flower [Photo: Pixel-Shot/ Shutterstock.com]

8. Bromeliad

A true exotic on the windowsill is the bromeliad (Bromelia). Its imposing inflorescence, which is characterised by intensely coloured bracts, make the houseplant a unique eye-catcher that adds a tropical flair to any room. The variety and gradients of colours within the leaves and flowers ensure that the bromeliad becomes a real eye-catcher. In fact, however, the plant is not as high maintenance as one would expect from such an exotic. If you give the bromeliad a warm, bright location and enough water, the flowering houseplant is surprisingly easy to care for.

A colourful array of bromelia plants
The bromelia impresses with its imposing inflorescence [Photo: Irina Kvyatkovskaya/ Shutterstock.com]

9. Begonia

What good are beautiful flowers if they fade after only a few days? Fortunately, the begonia (Begonia elatior) boasts not only its great flowers, but also impresses with its seemingly immeasurable stamina: from May until October, the houseplant bears an impressive display of flowers in bright colours. At the same time, the begonia is considered extremely easy to care for and undemanding. So, it is no wonder that it is one of the most popular houseplants around.

Pink blossoms of the bergonia plant
The begonia not only has beautiful flowers, but also staying power [Photo: Manita K/ Shutterstock.com]

10. Orchid

She is a diva, but still hard to beat in its flowering splendour: the orchid (Orchidaceae) impresses with its unique flower decoration again and again. With its delicate growth and exotic flair orchid really beautify any room. But the diversity of orchid species also makes the charm of this genus because it almost invites you to collect. With such beauty and elegance, the orchid is also immediately forgiven for being a little more demanding in its care.

White blossoms of the orchid plant
Orchids are among the most popular houseplants and are particularly elegant [Photo: Cls Graphics/ Shutterstock.com]

You still do not have enough of special houseplants? Then get to know our favourite exotic houseplants.

Tip: For your houseplants to form many flowers, they need enough nutrients. The most effective way to do this is to use a liquid fertiliser, such as our Plantura Liquid Houseplant Food. The liquid fertiliser is simply administered through the water for watering. To find out when you should possibly repot your indoor plants, see our dedicated article.

Liquid Houseplant Food, 800ml
Liquid Houseplant Food, 800ml
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  • Perfect for a wide variety of houseplants & foliage plants
  • Liquid fertiliser for robust plants & healthy growth
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